Note: The Apple Mobile Device USB Driver has not been updated. If you have installed the Apple Mobile Device USB Driver and enabled the services, but still get 'Device not detected' error, this problem may be caused by Apple Mobile Device USB Driver has not been updated. To fix it, right-click on on My Computer/This PC icon on the desktop. Locate the problematic device you want to troubleshoot under the proper menu, right click on in, and select Properties. After the Properties window has opened, navigate to the Driver tab and check for the Update Driver button. The Microsoft ODBC Driver for SQL Server provides native connectivity from Windows, Linux, & macOS to Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft Azure SQL Database. 02 Surface Pro 4 Drivers and Firmware All current software, firmware, and drivers for the Surface Pro 4; including optional WinTab drivers.
Laboratory objectives¶
- understand the concepts behind character device driver
- understand the various operations that can be performed on character devices
- working with waiting queues
In UNIX, hardware devices are accessed by the user through special devicefiles. These files are grouped into the /dev directory, and system callsopen
, read
, write
, close
, lseek
, mmap
etc. areredirected by the operating system to the device driver associated with thephysical device. The device driver is a kernel component (usually a module)that interacts with a hardware device.
In the UNIX world there are two categories of device files and thusdevice drivers: character and block. This division is done by the speed,volume and way of organizing the data to be transferred from the device to thesystem and vice versa. In the first category, there are slow devices, whichmanage a small amount of data, and access to data does not require frequentseek queries. Examples are devices such as keyboard, mouse, serial ports,sound card, joystick. In general, operations with these devices (read, write)are performed sequentially byte by byte. The second category includes deviceswhere data volume is large, data is organized on blocks, and search is common.Examples of devices that fall into this category are hard drives, cdroms, ramdisks, magnetic tape drives. For these devices, reading and writing is done atthe data block level.
For the two types of device drivers, the Linux kernel offers different APIs.If for character devices system calls go directly to device drivers, in case ofblock devices, the drivers do not work directly with system calls. Inthe case of block devices, communication between the user-space and the blockdevice driver is mediated by the file management subsystem and the block devicesubsystem. The role of these subsystems is to prepare the device driver’snecessary resources (buffers), to keep the recently read data in the cachebuffer, and to order the read and write operations for performance reasons.
Majors and minors¶
In UNIX, the devices traditionally had a unique, fixed identifier associatedwith them. This tradition is preserved in Linux, although identifiers can bedynamically allocated (for compatibility reasons, most drivers still use staticidentifiers). The identifier consists of two parts: major and minor. The firstpart identifies the device type (IDE disk, SCSI disk, serial port, etc.)and the second one identifies the device (first disk, second serial port,etc.). Most times, the major identifies the driver, while the minor identifieseach physical device served by the driver. In general, a driver will have amajor associate and will be responsible for all minors associated with thatmajor.
As can be seen from the example above, device-type information can be foundusing the ls command. The special character files are identified by the c
character in the first column of the command output, and the block type by thecharacter b
. In columns 5
and 6
of the result you can see themajor, respectively the minor for each device.
Certain major identifiers are statically assigned to devices (in theDocumentation/admin-guide/devices.txt
file from the kernel sources). When choosing theidentifier for a new device, you can use two methods: static (choose a numberthat does not seem to be used already) or dynamically. In /proc/devices are theloaded devices, along with the major identifier.
To create a device type file, use the mknod
command; the command receives thetype (block
or character
), major
and minor
of the device(mknodnametypemajorminor
). Thus, if you want to create a character devicenamed mycdev
with the major 42
and minor 0
, use the command:
To create the block device with the name mybdev
with the major 240 and minor 0the command will be:
Next, we’ll refer to character devices as drivers.
Data structures for a character device¶
In the kernel, a character-type device is represented bystructcdev
, a structure used to register it in thesystem. Most driver operations use three important structures:structfile_operations
, structfile
and structinode
As mentioned above, the character device drivers receive unaltered system callsmade by users over device-type files. Consequently, implementation of a characterdevice driver means implementing the system calls specific to files: open
, read
, write
, lseek
, mmap
, etc. These operations aredescribed in the fields of the structfile_operations
It can be noticed that the signature of the function differs from the systemcall that the user uses. The operating system sits between the user andthe device driver to simplify implementation in the device driver.
does not receive the parameter path or the various parameters that controlthe file opening mode. Similarly, read
, write
, release
, ioctl
, lseek
do not receive as a parameter a file descriptor. Instead, these routines receive asparameters two structures: file
and inode
. Both structures represent a file,but from different perspectives.
identifies the device type file;size
is the number of bytes to be read or written;offset
is the displacement to be read or written (to be updatedaccordingly);user_buffer
user buffer from which it reads / writes;whence
is the way to seek (the position where the search operation starts);cmd
are the parameters sent by the users to the ioctl call (IOcontrol).
and file
An inode
represents a file from the point of view of the file system. Attributesof an inode are the size, rights, times associated with the file. An inode uniquelyidentifies a file in a file system.
The file
structure is still a file, but closer to the user’s point of view.From the attributes of the file structure we list: the inode, the file name,the file opening attributes, the file position. All open files at a given timehave associated a file
To understand the differences between inode and file, we will use an analogyfrom object-oriented programming: if we consider a class inode, then the filesare objects, that is, instances of the inode class. Inode represents the staticimage of the file (the inode has no state), while the file represents thedynamic image of the file (the file has state).
Returning to device drivers, the two entities have almost always standard waysof using: the inode is used to determine the major and minor of the device onwhich the operation is performed, and the file is used to determine the flagswith which the file was opened, but also to save and access (later) privatedata.
The file structure contains, among many fields:
, which specifies read (FMODE_READ
) or write(FMODE_WRITE
, which specifies the file opening flags (O_RDONLY
, etc.);f_op
, which specifies the operations associated with the file (pointer tothefile_operations
structure );private_data
, a pointer that can be used by the programmer to storedevice-specific data; The pointer will be initialized to a memory locationassigned by the programmer.f_pos
, the offset within the file
The inode structure contains, among many information, an i_cdev
field, which is a pointer to the structure that defines the characterdevice (when the inode corresponds to a character device).
Implementation of operations¶
To implement a device driver, it is recommended that you create a structurethat contains information about the device, information used in the module. Inthe case of a driver for a character device, the structure will contain a cdevstructure field to refer to the device. The following example uses the structmy_device_data:
A structure like my_device_data
will contain the data associated with a device.The cdev
field (cdev
type) is a character-type device and is used to record itin the system and identify the device. The pointer to the cdev
member can befound using the i_cdev
field of the inode
structure (using the container_of
macro). In the private_data field of the file structure, information can bestored at open which is then available in the read
, write
, release
, etc.routines.
Registration and unregistration of character devices¶
The registration/unregistration of a device is made by specifying the major andminor. The dev_t
type is used to keep the identifiers of a device (both majorand minor) and can be obtained using the MKDEV
For the static assignment and unallocation of device identifiers, theregister_chrdev_region
and unregister_chrdev_region
functions are used:
It is recommended that device identifiers be dynamically assigned to thealloc_chrdev_region
Below sequence reserves my_minor_count
devices, starting with my_major
major and my_first_minor
minor (if the max value for minor is exceeded,move to the next major):
After assigning the identifiers, the character device will have to beinitialized (cdev_init
) and the kernel will have to be notified(cdev_add
). Thecdev_add
function must be called only after the device is ready to receivecalls. Removing a device is done using the cdev_del
The following sequence registers and initializes MY_MAX_MINORS devices:
While the following sequence deletes and unregisters them:
initialization of the struct my_fops used the initializationof members by name, defined in C99 standard (see designatedinitializers and the file_operations structure). Structuremembers who do not explicitly appear in this initializationwill be set to the default value for their type. Forexample, after the initialization above, my_fops.mmap
willbe NULL.
Access to the address space of the process¶
A driver for a device is the interface between an application and hardware. Asa result, we often have to access user-space data. Accessing it can not be donedirectly (by de-referencing a user-space pointer). Direct access of auser-space pointer can lead to incorrect behavior (depending on architecture, auser-space pointer may not be valid or mapped to kernel-space), a kernel oops(the user-mode pointer can refer to a non-resident memory area) or securityissues. Proper access to user-space data is done by calling the macros /functions below:
All macros / functions return 0 in case of success and another value in case oferror and have the following roles:
store the valueval
to user-space addressaddress
;Type can be one on 8, 16, 32, 64 bit (the maximum supported type depends on thehardware platform);get_user
analogue to the previous function, only that val will be set to avalue identical to the value at the user-space address given by address;copy_to_user
bytes from the kernel-space, from the addressreferenced byfrom
in user-space to the address referenced byto
bytes from user-space from the addressreferenced byfrom
in kernel-space to the address referenced byto
A common section of code that works with these functions is:
Open and release¶
The open
function performs the initialization of a device. In most cases,these operations refer to initializing the device and filling in specific data(if it is the first open call). The release function is about releasingdevice-specific resources: unlocking specific data and closing the device ifthe last call is close.
In most cases, the open function will have the following structure:
A problem that occurs when implementing the open
function is access control.Sometimes a device needs to be opened once at a time; More specifically, do notallow the second open before the release. To implement this restriction, youchoose a way to handle an open call for an already open device: it can returnan error (-EBUSY
), block open calls until a release operation, or shut downthe device before do the open.
At the user-space call of the open and close functions on the device, callmy_open and my_release in the driver. An example of a user-space call:
Read and write¶
The read and write operations are reaching the device driver as aresult of a userspace program calling the read or write system calls:
The read
and write
functions transfer data between the device and theuser-space: the read function reads the data from the device and transfers itto the user-space, while writing reads the user-space data and writes it to thedevice. The buffer received as a parameter is a user-space pointer, which iswhy it is necessary to use the copy_to_user
or copy_from_user
The value returned by read or write can be:
- the number of bytes transferred; if the returned value is less than the sizeparameter (the number of bytes requested), then it means that a partialtransfer was made. Most of the time, the user-space app calls the system call(read or write) function until the required data number is transferred.
- 0 to mark the end of the file in the case of read ; if write returns thevalue 0 then it means that no byte has been written and that no error hasoccurred; In this case, the user-space application retries the write call.
- a negative value indicating an error code.
To perform a data transfer consisting of several partial transfers, thefollowing operations should be performed:
- transfer the maximum number of possible bytes between the buffer receivedas a parameter and the device (writing to the device/reading from the devicewill be done from the offset received as a parameter);
- update the offset received as a parameter to the position from which thenext read / write data will begin;
- return the number of bytes transferred.
The sequence below shows an example for the read function that takesinto account the internal buffer size, user buffer size and the offset:
The images below illustrate the read operation and how data istransferred between the userspace and the driver:
- when the driver has enough data available (starting with the OFFSETposition) to accurately transfer the required size (SIZE) to the user.
- when a smaller amount is transferred than required.
We can look at the read operation implemented by the driver as a response to auserpace read request. In this case, the driver is responsible for advancingthe offset according to how much it reads and returning the read size (whichmay be less than what is required).
The structure of the write function is similar:
The write operation will respond to a write request from userspace. Inthis case, depending on the maximum driver capacity (MAXSIZ), it canwrite more or less than the required size.
In addition to read and write operations, a driver needs the ability to performcertain physical device control tasks. These operations are accomplished byimplementing a ioctl
function. Initially, the ioctl system call used Big KernelLock. That’s why the call was gradually replaced with its unlocked versioncalled unlocked_ioctl
. You can read more on LWN:
is the command sent from user-space. If a value is being sent from theuser-space call, it can be accessed directly. If a buffer is fetched, the argvalue will be a pointer to it, and must be accessed through the copy_to_user
or copy_from_user
Before implementing the ioctl
function, the numbers corresponding to thecommands must be chosen. One method is to choose consecutive numbers startingat 0, but it is recommended to use _IOC(dir,type,nr,size)
macrodefinitionto generate ioctl codes. The macrodefinition parameters are as follows:
represents the data transfer (_IOC_NONE
represents the magic number (Documentation/ioctl/ioctl-number.txt
is the ioctl code for the device;size
is the size of the transferred data.
The following example shows an implementation for a ioctl
At the user-space call for the ioctl function, the my_ioctl function of thedriver will be called. An example of such a user-space call:
Waiting queues¶
It is often necessary for a thread to wait for an operation to finish,but it is desirable that this wait is not busy-waiting. Using waitingqueues we can block a thread until an event occurs. When the conditionis satisfied, elsewhere in the kernel, in another process, in aninterrupt or deferrable work, we will wake-up the process.
A waiting queue is a list of processes that are waiting for a specificevent. A queue is defined with the wait_queue_head_t
type and canbe used by the functions/macros:
The roles of the macros / functions above are:
initializes the queue; to initialize thequeue at compile time, you can use theDECLARE_WAIT_QUEUE_HEAD
adds the current thread to thequeue while the condition is false, sets it to TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE orTASK_INTERRUPTIBLE and calls the scheduler to schedule a new thread; Waitingwill be interrupted when another thread will call the wake_up function;wait_event_timeout()
have the sameeffect as the above functions, only waiting can be interrupted at the end ofthe timeout received as a parameter;wake_up()
puts all threads off from state TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE andTASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE in TASK_RUNNING status; Remove these threads from thequeue;wake_up_interruptible()
same action, but only threads with TASK_INTERRUPTIBLEstatus are woken up.
A simple example is that of a thread waiting to change the value of a flag. Theinitializations are done by the sequence:
A thread will wait for the flag to be changed to a value other than zero:
While another thread will change the flag value and wake up the waiting threads:
To solve exercises, you need to perform these steps:
- prepare skeletons from templates
- build modules
- copy modules to the VM
- start the VM and test the module in the VM.
The current lab name is device_drivers. See the exercises for the task name.
The skeleton code is generated from full source examples located intools/labs/templates
. To solve the tasks, start by generatingthe skeleton code for a complete lab:
You can also generate the skeleton for a single task, using
Once the skeleton drivers are generated, build the source:
Then, copy the modules and start the VM:
The modules are placed in /home/root/skels/device_drivers/<task_name>.
Alternatively, we can copy files via scp, in order to avoid restarting the VM.For additional details about connecting to the VM via the network, please check Connecting to the VM.
Review the Exercises section for more detailed information.
Before starting the exercises or generating the skeletons, please run git pull inside the Linux repo,to make sure you have the latest version of the exercises.
If you have local changes, the pull command will fail. Check for local changes using gitstatus
.If you want to keep them, run gitstash
before pull
and gitstashpop
after.To discard the changes, run gitreset--hardmaster
If you already generated the skeleton before gitpull
you will need to generate it again.
0. Intro¶
Using LXR find the definitionsof the following symbols in the Linux kernel:
1. Register/unregister¶
The driver will control a single device with the MY_MAJOR
major andMY_MINOR
minor (the macros defined in the kernel/so2_cdev.c file).
Create /dev/so2_cdev character device node using mknod.
Implement the registration and deregistration of the device with the name
, respectively in the init and exit module functions. Implement TODO 1.Hint
Read the section Registration and unregistration of character devices
Display, using
, a message after the registration and unregistrationoperations to confirm that they were successful. Then load the module into the kernel:And see character devices in
:Identify the device type registered with major 42 . Note that
contains only the device types (major) but not the actual devices (i.e. minors).Note
Entries in /dev are not created by loading the module. These can be createdin two ways:
- manually, using the
command as we did above. - automatically using udev daemon
- manually, using the
Unload the kernel module
2. Register an already registered major¶
Modify MY_MAJOR so that it points to an already used major number.
See /proc/devices
to get an already assigned major.
See errno-base.hand figure out what does the error code mean.Return to the initial configuration of the module.
3. Open and close¶
Run cat/dev/so2_cdev
to read data from our char device.Reading does not work because the driver does not have the open function implemented.Follow comments marked with TODO 2 and implement them.
- Initialize your device
- add a cdev struct field to
structure. - Read the section Registration and unregistration of character devices in the lab.
- add a cdev struct field to
- Implement the open and release functions in the driver.
- Display a message in the open and release functions.
- Read again
file. Follow the messages displayed by the kernel.We still get an error becauseread
function is not yet implemented.
The prototype of a device driver’s operations is in the file_operations
structure. Read Open and release section.
4. Access restriction¶
Restrict access to the device with atomic variables, so that a single processcan open the device at a time. The rest will receive the “device busy” error(-EBUSY
). Restricting access will be done in the open function displayed bythe driver. Follow comments marked with TODO 3 and implement them.
- Add an
variable to the device structure. - Initialize the variable at module initialization.
- Use the variable in the open function to restrict access to the device. Werecommend using
. - Reset the variable in the release function to retrieve access to the device.
- To test your deployment, you’ll need to simulate a long-term use of yourdevice. To simulate a sleep, call the scheduler at the end of the device opening:
The advantage of the atomic_cmpxchg function is that it can check theold value of the variable and set it up to a new value, all in oneatomic operation. Read more details about atomic_cmpxchgAn example of use is here.
5. Read operation¶
Implement the read function in the driver. Follow comments marked with TODO4
and implement them.
- Keep a buffer in
structure initialized with the value ofMESSAGE
macro.Initializing this buffer will be done in moduleinit
function. - At a read call, copy the contents of the kernel space buffer into the userspace buffer.
- Use the
function to copy information from kernel space touser space. - Ignore the size and offset parameters at this time. You can assume thatthe buffer in user space is large enough. You do not need to check thevalidity of the size argument of the read function.
- The value returned by the read call is the number of bytes transmittedfrom the kernel space buffer to the user space buffer.
- Use the
- After implementation, test using
The command cat/dev/so2_cdev
does not end (use Ctrl+C).Read the read and write sections and Access to the address space of the processIf you want to display the offset value use a construction of the form:pr_info('Offset:%lldn',*offset)
; The data type loff_t (used by offset ) is a typedef for long long int.
The cat
command reads to the end of the file, and the end of the file issignaled by returning the value 0 in the read. Thus, for a correct implementation,you will need to update and use the offset received as a parameter in the readfunction and return the value 0 when the user has reached the end of the buffer.
Modify the driver so that the cat
commands ends:
- Use the size parameter.
- For every read, update the offset parameter accordingly.
- Ensure that the read function returns the number of bytes that were copiedinto the user buffer.
By dereferencing the offset parameter it is possible to read and move the currentposition in the file. Its value needs to be updated every time a read is donesuccessfully.
6. Write operation¶
Add the ability to write a message into kernel buffer to replace the predefined message. Implementthe write function in the driver. Follow comments marked with TODO5
Ignore the offset parameter at this time. You can assume that the driver buffer islarge enough. You do not need to check the validity of the write function sizeargument.
The prototype of a device driver’s operations is in the file_operationsstructure.Test using commands:
Read the read and write sections and Access to the address space of the process
7. ioctl operation¶
For this exercise, we want to add the ioctl MY_IOCTL_PRINT
to display themessage from the IOCTL_MESSAGE
macro in the driver.Follow the comments marked with TODO6
For this:
- Implement the ioctl function in the driver.
- We need to use
to call theioctl function with the appropriate parameters. - To test, we will use an user-space program (
)which will call theioctl
function with the required arguments.
is defined in the file include/so2_cdev.h
,which is shared between the kernel module and the user-space program.
Read the ioctl section in the lab.
The userspace code is compiled automatically at makebuild
andcopied at makecopy
Because we need to compile the program for qemu machine which is 32 bit,if your host is 64 bit then you need to install gcc-multilib
Extra Exercises¶
Ioctl with messaging¶
Add two ioctl operations to modify the message associated with thedriver. Use fixed-length buffer ( BUFFER_SIZE ).
- Add the
function from the driver the following operations:MY_IOCTL_SET_BUFFER
for writing a message to the device;MY_IOCTL_GET_BUFFER
to read a message from your device.
- For testing, pass the required command line arguments to theuser-space program.
Read the ioctl and Access to the address space of the processsections of the lab.
Ioctl with waiting queues¶
Add two ioctl operations to the device driver for queuing.
- Add the
function from the driver the following operations:MY_IOCTL_DOWN
to add the process to a queue;MY_IOCTL_UP
to remove the process from a queue.
- Fill the device structure with a
field and a flag. - Do not forget to initialize the wait queue and flag.
- Remove exclusive access condition from previous exercise
- For testing, pass the required command line arguments to theuser-space program.
When the process is added to the queue, it will remain blocked in execution; Torun the queue command open a new console in the virtual machine with Alt+F2 ;You can return to the previous console with Alt+F1 . If you’re connected viaSSH to the virtual machine, open a new console.
Drivers Data Devices
Read the ioctl and Waiting queues sections in the lab.
O_NONBLOCK implementation¶
If a file is open with the O_NONBLOCK
flag, then itsoperations will be non-blocking.
In case data is not available when performing a read, the followinghappens:
- if the file has been open with
, the read callwill return-EWOULDBLOCK
. - otherwise, the current task (process) will be placed in a waitingqueue and will be unblocked as soon as data becomes available(in our case, at write).
- To allow unblocking the read operation, remove the exclusive accesscondition from previous exercises.
- You can use the queue defined for the previous exercise.
- You can ignore the file offset.
- Modify the initial size of data to
, to allow testing. - For testing, pass the required command line arguments to theuser-space program.
- when using the
option, the test program will change the open flagstoO_NONBLOCK
and then perform aread
- when using the
- What are the flags used to open the file when running
The Unknown USB device (device descriptor request failed) in Windows Device Manager on HP and Lenovo would stop your USB devices like an Android mobile, flash drive or pen drive from being properly detected for use in Windows 10, 8 or 7, but we finally resolved the USB not recognized problem for you. In case any USB malfunction could endanger data, let EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard recover data from the inaccessible USB drive.
Unknown USB Device (Device Descriptor Request Failed) is a Windows Device Manager error under the 'Universal Serial Bus controllers' section. The current device status is demonstrated as 'Windows has stopped this device because it has reported problems. (Code 43). A request for the USB device descriptor failed.'

What Is a Device Descriptor?
The device descriptor (USB_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR) is the root of the descriptor tree and contains basic device information. idVendor and idProduct of which are the unique members for the Windows operating system to identify the connected device and determine which device driver must be loaded.
Anyway, we don't care about the tech-savvy's jargon, but only get to know - how do I fix the device descriptor when the request failed?
How Do I Fix Device Descriptor Request Failed?
Driver issues take the most responsibility for an unknown USB device on HP, Lenovo, Dell, and many computers. As you've concerned, the device descriptor request failed error is a generic unknown USB problem, so it's reasonable to suspect a driver issue at present. The USB device here mentioned can be a flash drive, pen drive, Android, digital camera, and any digital gadget that is supposed to use on a Windows machine.
In the next part, we mainly show you the common troubleshooting methods for the device descriptor request failed error in Windows 10. As a matter of fact, Windows 7 and Windows XP users are also having the same problem. Never mind applying the solutions to your own Windows operating system. They're all-OS-versions compatible.
3 Quick Fixes to Unknown USB Device (Device Descriptor Request Failed) in Windows 10
In case that unknown USB device (device descriptor request failed) error happens because the USB port is not working or USB device is damaged, the following three fixes are significant to try before going to further troubleshooting.
- 1. Try plugging in a working USB drive to check whether the USB port is working or damaged.
- 2. Plug your USB into a different PC to check whether the USB drive is working or damaged.
- 3. Check if the USB device shows up in Disk Management. As long as the data matters, download EaseUS free data recovery software to recover data from the inaccessible USB device in advance.
Step 1. Run USB data recovery software.
Connect the USB flash drive to your computer and launch EaseUS USB data recovery software on your PC. Select your USB drive which marks as a removable disk, and click 'Scan' to start finding your lost files.
Step 2. Scan all lost files from USB.
EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard will thoroughly scan your USB flash drive and find all your lost data on it. After the scanning process, use the Filter feature to filter a specific file type. You can check and preview found USB files in this program.
Step 3. Restore all lost files from USB.
A double-click will allow you to preview the file results. Choose the target files and click 'Recover' to save them to a secure location on your PC or other external storage devices.
5 Advanced Fixes to Unknown USB Device (Device Descriptor Request Failed) in Windows 10
Due to the uncertainty of the exact factor that causes your USB drive malfunctioning in this way, the demonstrated solutions are not all supposed to take effect. Hence, take some patience to implement each solution until the problem solved.
1. Use Hardware and Devices troubleshooter
- Press Win+R, type Control Panel and hit Enter.
- Inside Control Panel in the search box type troubleshooter and select Troubleshooting.
- After that select Configure a device under Hardware and Sound and follow the on-screen instruction.
- Click on Apply this fix if any problem is found.
If the unknown USB device error is triggered by hardware issues, it will no longer appear after you try the above steps. If not, you need to move on to the next method to find a fix.
2. Try to Uninstall USB Drivers
- Open Device Manager (Right Click on Windows Logo and Click Device Manager).
- Now find and expand Universal Serial Bus controllers. Now right-click on USB drivers and click Uninstall. Do for all USB drivers one by one.
- Restart your PC then Windows will reinstall the device automatically.
Some people would find that uninstalling and reinstalling the driver only works once. The next time they plug in the drive, and the device descriptor request failed appears again. According to an experienced user who has been suffering the problem for long but finally found the cause of why this method does not work and how to make it work.
3. Disable Fast Startup
- Press Win+R, type Control Panel and hit Enter.
- Click on Power Options and select Choose what the power buttons do in the left pane.
- Click on Change settings that are currently unavailable.
- Under Shutdown settings, uncheck the box next to Turn on fast startup (recommended). Then click on the Save changes button.
4. Turn on Plug and Play in Windows Services
- Press Win+R, type services.msc and hit Enter.
- In Windows Services, find the name Plug and Play. Double-click on it to open the Properties window.
- If the Startup type is currently Manual and the Service status is Running, try to turn it to Disabled and Stopped, save the changes; later change the Disabled and Stopped to Manual and Running again. Click OK and Apply.
- If the Startup type is currently Disabled and the Service status is Stopped, switch to Manual and Running. Click OK and Apply.
Restart your PC and see if the unknown USB device problem has been resolved in Windows 10. if it doesn't work, try to perform a system restore to get rid of this issue.
5. Restore Your PC To Previous Recovery Points
Hp Device Drivers
- Press Win+R, type Control Panel and hit enter.
- Now find and open the Recovery option.
- Select System Restore, follow the on-screen guide and wait until all the recovery points are shown.
- Restore your PC from the right recovery point.